Changing lines

He took her by surprise

And she loved every line on his face;

Of his soul. And the corners of the duvet

Where he’d find her fingers,

Her heart.

Nestled amongst last night’s words

She remembered his voice,

When the kindness left his lips

And he told her she was remarkable in

All the right ways.

She knew that soon she would

Have to miss him,

Across the seas and changing skies,

And closed a tiny piece of her heart to

Bury the thought, because

In the end she knew

She was not invincible.

A Place.

With you I found a space;

Where the heart and mind could rest, could still,

Beneath drifting clouds and a dancing sun,

Surrounded by the greenest of greens,

Watching tiny insects skip along air and the

Butterflies in rhythmic courtship,

Remembering all the while, my insignificance amongst it all.


I found in him,

The strength to find myself.

An eternal bond

And the deepest of secrets.

For what is this life,

But a mere mirage of memories;

Photographs etched,

In my melancholy mind.

And an unending quest for love and connection,

Which surely,

I have already found.

This Time Around.

We remember you for the feeling,

Not for the time, not for the loss.

Not for the spaces left between us,

Or the years unfulfilled,

But for the connection of souls

And the feeling of warmth we get when

When someone utters your name.

We remember the grief,

But this time around, it is fleeting.

And long after you’ve gone,

We’ve begun to bask in your eternal after-glow.

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Look for me in hidden places,

Amongst the golden, autumn leaves,

In rain that gathers at your feet,

Behind the ageing Elder trees.

Feel my spirit rest against,

The chair beneath the windowsill,

Sit beside my stirring soul,

At the bottom of the grassy hill.

Think of me with warmth and love,

Carry my heart in your own,

Have courage, and be kind my sweet,

And remember that you’re not alone.

The Tree.

Do not weep for me, my love,
As I lay lifeless in these halls,
For though my time is at an end,
And though my leaves have come to fall,

I was the master of my fate,
No man nor foe could bring me down,
I chose to fall in my own time,
Graceful as I met the ground.

Do not weep for me, my darling,
My empty veins, my branches bare,
For I have seen the seasons change,
I’ve danced upon the whispering air.

I’ve felt the sun upon my skin,
The winter winds within my bones,
Stood tall and proud upon my hill,
Endured the changing times alone.

So do not weep for me, my dear,
As you gaze upon my fading shell,
Remember all that I have seen,
And all the stories I could tell.

Remember me, and all I gave,
To creatures big, and beings small,
The foundation of your planet earth,
I am the humble tree – that’s all.

My Grandad.

When I was six I asked “if you could stay with me forever?”

My dearest Grandad you looked at me as though I had stolen your heart.

“Alright then,” you said. “I’ll have a word to the man upstairs and let him know I’m not going, that I refuse.”

Smiling with your eyes, you gently pondered upon the words I had greeted you with in the sunroom that morning. And I left that day with an innocent optimism that I had achieved what I had set out to do. That perhaps our little discussion really would give us, forever.

Crow’s Feet.

I grew weary of the lines upon your face,

Crow’s-feet that spoke of regret and a little blue

Iris that knew no boundaries or compassion.

We danced amongst the embers and took our shoes off

Just to feel a little more alive, alight

With the wayward sun whom I called my very own lover.

Remember me; remember this night and the way

It used to feel so that when the fever sets in,

You will not be as angry with me for leaving.